February 12, 2015 theillusionist


Elegant powder pink heads, crimson or variegated with a delicate bittersweet taste. Raw, stewed or fried they bring to the table a winter flavor






RADICCHIO, A LOT OF DELICIOUS VARIETY (From top clockwise) Early radicchio from Treviso: decisively slightly bitter taste, big elliptical leaves, average length of the head/tuft 25cm, suitable for both raw and cooking use Red radicchio from Verona: grilled, with risotto or as a salad. Since 1500, it is the protagonist of the provincial cuisine and can be eaten for its healing digestive proprieties. Variegated radicchio from Castelfranco Veneto: splendid like an ancient rose, with outer flat leaves and concave leaves at the core. Delicate flavor and decorative appearance, mainly raw use. Late radicchio from Treviso: compact head, streamlined and curved leaves, very precious. Elegant and decorative it is suitable for oil dip, carpione (marinated) and baked. Red radicchio from Chioggia: round with wide leaf and soft veining. Its sweetness differs from the cultivation methods. It is picked nearly all year long and it is best suitable for raw use. Pink radicchio from Luisa Pale: with a delicate taste and very similar to the Rose from Gorizia, it is a new noble variety, still without official designation, and selected in Luisa (Rovigo). Suitable for salads.

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