November 18, 2018 theillusionist

Angela Frenda’s new cookbook ‘the perfect dinner’ is out today.
It has been a pleasure to work with her and the whole team of people with whom we shared this project.
The long time we spent together has turned us into a big family and now we are waiting for a new opportunity to gather it.

I cook for the love of myself

It’s one of the few things that makes me really happy and allows me to get my mind off. I tried yoga and meditation, but nothing happened, while they tell me to close my eyes and breath; I’m there to fill out sheets virtually, list of to do things for kid’s school, phone calls to make…

Instead, give me 1 kilo of flour, a little bit of yeast and a glass of water and while I’m kneading, magically, the anxious traces of my ‘to do list’ disappear from my mental blackboard.

I cook to feel better. And to make others feel good. But be careful, the right phrase is: to understand how good I am at making others feel good. Behind the concept of dinner, in fact, there is a rather selfish world made up of self-affirmation and female egocentricity. There is an ancient pleasure in receiving, welcoming, feeding and caring. There is a desire to be a protagonist of the show that only you can demonstrate that evening. By combining the scriptwriter, the director and the main actress in one person.

And also by choosing the rest of the company. Creating a perfect dinner is a dream of every cook. To be able to create an ideal environment where food mixes with laughter, glances, and emotions. Where the lights soften the traits and words run lightly like the comics are running after. And you’re there, in the kitchen, looking at all that beauty and pleasing you while you drink a glass of Barbera wine.

Your perfect dinner is the painting that you have in front of you. You have painted it with your eyes in the previous days while you were thinking about the possible menu, calling your friends to ask and understand their tastes and allergies, trying dishes you didn’t know. This painting is you who has cooked for a whole day, searching perfection which doesn’t’ exist, everyone knows it. But that’s you, you can’t escape from your destiny of eternal pursuit of everything.

Angela Frenda – La Cena Perfetta 

home economist: Manuela Conti
styling: Vandersandestudio
art director: Michele Lovison
editor: Tommaso Galli
editorial coordination: Martina Barbero

SOLFERINO i libri del corriere della sera  © 2018 RCS MediaGruop  S.p.A Milano


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